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Nautilus (T616 Vs. T618) Home Treadmills | Comparison, Differences, Reviews | 2022

March 10, 2022 by  
Filed under Treadmills

Nautilus T618  Treadmill

Nautilus T618 Home Treadmill

Nautilus T616 Treadmill

Nautilus T616 Home Treadmill

Nautilus T616 Vs. T618 Treadmill Comparison: Nautilus is a leader in lower cost, high quality home treadmills. The Nautilus T616 and T618 models are some of the most popular and best selling treadmills on the market. Highly rated, they both are excellent treadmills for the home and have won our BEST of 2019 award. Common to both models are built-in speakers & fan, Bluetooth, Heart Telemetry, 26 workout programs, 20×60″ Deck, 12 MPH, and 15% powered incline.

The main differences between the Nautilus T616 and T618 are: The T618 model from a structural standpoint has a heavier frame, stronger 3.5 HP motor, higher maximum weight limit (350 lbs.), thicker 3-ply belt, improved Rebound™ Cushioning, larger rollers, longer warranty & added handlebar controls. Below is a comparison chart of the differences between the two Nautilus treadmill models.

Nautilus T616 Vs. the Nautilus T618
* 3 HP Motor
* 2 ply, 2.0 mm Belt
* 2.5-inch rollers
– – –
* 0-12 MPH
* 0-15% Incline
* 20 x 60″ Deck
* Backlit LCD Console
* Bluetooth® with APP
* Heart Telemetry
* 26 Workout Programs
* Max Weight: 300 lbs.
* Standard Cushioning
* SoftDrop™ folding
* Tablet/Book Holder
* Built-in Fan
* Built-in Speakers
* Water Bottle Holder
* Weight: 241 lbs.
* 10 yr. frame wty
* 4 User Profiles

Nautilus T616

Buy from
* 3.5 HP Motor
* 3 ply, 2.5 mm Belt
* 2.75-inch rollers
* Handrail Controls
* 0-12 MPH
* 0-15% Incline
* 20 x 60″ Deck
* Backlit LCD Console
* Bluetooth® with APP
* Heart Telemetry
* 26 Workout Programs
* Max Weight: 350 lbs.
* Rebound™ Cushioning
* SoftDrop™ folding
* Tablet/Book Holder
* Built-in Fan
* Built-in Speakers
* Water Bottle Holder
* Weight: 253 lbs.
* 15 yr. frame wty
* 4 User Profiles

Nautilus T618

Buy from

Nautilus T616 Console

Nautilus T616 LCD Console (Click to Enlarge)

Nautilus T618 Console

Nautilus T618 LCD Console (Click to Enlarge)

Nautilus T616 vs. T618 Console Comparison: The Consoles are almost identical except for some small cosmetic differences. Both consoles are backlit (ideal for dimly lit rooms), they have 26 workout programs, 4 user profiles, and are heart telemetry enabled. Both consoles are Bluetooth® enabled with APP, and have manual controls for incline and speed. For safety, both have an emergency stop button, and cord.

Bottom Line: The Nautilus T618 treadmill offers a wide array of improvements over the T616 model. The T618 is a heavier duty treadmill with a larger 3.5 HP motor, higher 350 lb. weight limit, better cushioning, larger 2.75-inch rollers, and a thicker 3 ply belt. The T618 has handlebar controls for speed and incline, while the T616 does not.

The frame & motor warranty on the T618 is 50% longer (15 years versus 10 years). The handles of the T618 are dipped in urethane versus ABS plastic for the T616. The T616 is however substantially cheaper than the T618. Both models are highly rated, and the Nautilus T618 treadmill has won our BEST of 2019 Award.

Nautilus T616
Home Treadmill
Nautilus T618
Home Treadmill
NordicTrack 1750
Home Treadmill

Is this the best price? Product Rating
(Click for Reviews)

3.00 HP Motor
0-15% incline
– – –
Dual LCD Display
2 ply, 2.0 mm Belt
20″ x 60″ Deck
300 lb. Max Weight
Heart Telemetry
– – –

Is this the best price? Product Rating
(Click for Reviews)

3.5 HP Motor
0-15% incline
– – –
Dual LCD Display
3 ply, 2.5 mm Belt
20″ x 60″ Deck
350 lb. Max Weight
Heart Telemetry
– – –

Is this the best price? Product Rating
(Click for Reviews)

3.70 HP Motor
0-15% incline
-3% decline
10-Inch Touchscreen
2 ply Belt
22″ x 60″ Deck
300 lb. Max Weight
Heart Telemetry

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